Bathymetric LiDAR for Red Bay

Small test site for combined bathymetric and topographic LiDAR in Red Bay, surveyed January 2006. Data were tidally corrected using UK Hydrographic Office "Total Tide" software and cleaned in Caris HIPS software to produce a 3m horizontal resolution bathymetry dataset.

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Creation Date June 3, 2016, 09:25 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Elevation
  • Environment
  • Geoscientific Information
  • Oceans

The lines were flown at a height of 200m with a line spacing of 100m and thus an area 5 x 1 km was flown in the hour allocated. The data were initially processed in ACSAB propriety software “Coastal Survey Suite” to convert the data into LAS files. These files were subsequently imported into Caris HIPS software where the data was tidally corrected, cleaned and finally exported as an XYZ dataset. As this was demonstration survey no tide gauge was established and tidal information was obtained using the UK Hydrographic Office’s Total Tide software. 3m horizontal resolution bathymetric data are provided as an "XYZ" text file with X = Eastings (UTM Zone 30N projection of WGS 1984 datum), Y = Northings (UTM Zone 30N projection of WGS 1984 datum), Z = depth (metres).

Frequency of Update Not Planned
Contact Name Annika Clements
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