Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
About the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland:
Charities are part of all our lives. They range from small groups meeting local needs with few resources to household name charities operating with budgets of millions.
Charities receive support from society in many ways, from donations of money, volunteering time and skills, attendance at charity events or fundraisers, through to small acts such as liking a charity's Facebook page or sharing the charity's news. The public have the right to expect charities to be open and accountable. Public trust and confidence in Northern Ireland's charities is high - we want to make sure it stays that way.
Whatever their size or purpose, an essential requirement of all charities is that they operate for the public benefit and independently of government or commercial interests.
As the independent regulator of charities in Northern Ireland, the Commission regulates charities operating in Northern Ireland. This means it is our job to make sure charities are meeting their legal requirements and to work with charity trustees to put things right if they go wrong. In doing so, the Commission plays a crucial role in the development of charities, enabling them to meet modern expectations and obligations.
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