Translink Bus Stop List
Data och resurser
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of 04 March 2025XLSX
Bus Stops for Northern Ireland - valid as of 04 March 2025
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of April 2024GeoJSON
Bus Stops for Northern Ireland - valid as of April 2024
Definitions of headings of Translink Bus Stop...DOCX
Breakdown of the column headings
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of January 2018CSV
Bus Stops for Northern Ireland- valid as of January 2018
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of January 2018GeoJSON
Bus Stop information
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of 29th Nov 2017CSV
Bus Stop information
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of 29th Nov 2017GeoJSON
Bus Stop List valid as of 29th Nov 2017
Translink Bus Stop List valid as of 24th April 2017GeoJSON
Bus Stop information valid as of 24th April 2017
Mer information
Fält | Värde |
Creation Date | september 14, 2015, 13:37 (UTC) |
Topic Category | Transportation |
Lineage | This dataset was completed as a desktop survey |
Frequency of Update | Irregular |
Contact Name | Translink |
Contact Email | |
Mer information | |
Synlighet | False |
Source last updated | 2025-03-04T00:00:00 |
Time period | |
Title+Tags | |
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Dashboard Link |