Northern Ireland Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

This layer consists of all Marine Protected Areas that are designated within Northern Irelands Marine Plan extent. They include SAC, SPA, pSPA, Ramsar, MCZ and ASSI with marine components in both inshore and offshore regions.  Each layer was re-projected  from the respective projections to WGS84 and then merged using ESRI ArcGIS data management tools. The attribution also describes the MPAs Management Authority and provides a hyperlink with more information regarding the protected features and management of these areas where applicable or available.

The designated features were extracted from NIEA Features Database and DAERA websites and further information can be accessed here:  It should be noted that a review of bird species protected under ASSI legislation is being undertaken by DAERA ornithologists and the species list may change after this review. Dec 2020

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Creation Date Oktober 9, 2024, 17:12 (UTC)
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