Historic Environment Division Lidar 2008
Data och resurser
Historic Division Lidar Coverage MapPDF
Coverage map of Lidar surveyed between 2008 – 2014
Historic Division Lidar - Notes on the DatasetPDF
Additional information on the Lidar data including the ASCII data formatting
Cornashee LidarZIP
0.125m resolution DSM & DTM data from 2008 Lidar survey in ASCII format
Kiltierney LidarZIP
0.125m resolution DSM & DTM data from 2008 Lidar survey in ASCII format
Mer information
Fält | Värde |
Creation Date | oktober 26, 2016, 08:00 (UTC) |
Topic Category |
Lineage | Surveys were conducted by BKS Fugro on behalf of HED in 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 & 2014 (see coverage map and specific dataset entry for further info). |
Frequency of Update | Not Planned |
Contact Name | Rhonda Robinson |
Contact Email | historicenvironmentenquiries@communities-ni.gov.uk |
Mer information | See survey overview map for individual tile references |
Synlighet | False |
Source last updated | |
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