Carriageway Details
Data och resurser
Carriageway Details CSV
This dataset shows length, width and road surface type and is associated to...
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Fält | Värde |
Creation Date | juli 5, 2021, 17:17 (UTC) |
Topic Category |
Lineage | The centre-line is provided by Ordnance Survey NI and is protected by copy-right. Spatial information of the highway network can be obtained by contacting Land & Property Services (NI) directly. The carriageway attribution was recorded during road asset surveys by the Department of Infrastructure - Roads. |
Frequency of Update | Not Planned |
Contact Name | Paddy Lavery |
Contact Email | |
Mer information | PLEASE NOTE: This data has not been updated since 2015. |
Synlighet | False |
Source last updated | |
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