Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21

On 26 May 2016, the Executive agreed the draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21. The draft framework contains 14 strategic outcomes which, taken together, set a clear direction of travel and enable continuous improvement on the essential components of societal wellbeing. They touch on every aspect of government, including the attainment of good health and education, economic success and confident and peaceful communities. In addition to merely fulfilling our statutory obligations, we will in future be able to target those things that make real improvements to the quality of life for the citizen. The outcomes are supported by 42 indicators which are clear statements for change. Each indicator is accompanied by a measure derived in the main from existing statistics. These will show how the Executive is performing in relation to the outcomes and will provide a basis to monitor progress and take corrective action.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Creation Date 1 Julio, 2016, 11:57 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Economy
  • Health
  • Society

The outcomes are supported by 42 indicators which are clear statements for change. Each indicator is accompanied by a measure derived in the main from existing statistics. The measures are designed to be robust and transparent, and where feasible use existing data sources which are produced by NISRA statisticians and are Official Statistics.

The .csv chart requires use of the reference tables provided to allow the results to be understood.

A measurement annex has been prepared by NISRA statisticians for each measure for which data are currently available. These give information about the source; frequency of publication; quality; trend data; and potential issues with the data. https://www.nisra.gov.uk/statistics/programme-government

Frequency of Update Irregular
Contact Name Programme for Government Unit
Contact Email pfg@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk
Información adicional

Full details of the 'Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21' and its associated 'Chart of Outcomes, Indicators and Measures' are available at https://www.northernireland.gov.uk/topics/work-executive/programme-government . The closing date for responses to the consultation was Friday 22nd July 2016, at 5pm.

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