Job Seekers Allowance Claimants (Statistical Geography)

The information is aggregated data from scans of Job Seekers Allowance data at 1992 ward level.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Creation Date March 21, 2018, 14:28 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Boundaries
  • Society

The dataset is merged with the current Central Postcode Directory (CPD), with the necessary variables also extracted using SAS.

Geographic Referencing
The most recent dataset was created using the January 2019 CPD.

Disclosure Control Methods
All data has been rounded to the nearest ten. Totals may not sum due to rounding.

Quality Issues
The data has been cross-referenced with previous analysis to safeguard its quality. No problems were found.

Further Information
In producing this analysis, individual records were attributed to Local Government District on the basis of their postcode. Not all records can be correctly allocated to a Local Government District using this method and some cannot be allocated at all. Past investigation has demonstrated that mis-allocations and non-allocations do not necessarily occur randomly between areas. At present, it seems likely that a higher than average proportion of the records that cannot be attributed to Local Government District are in the following areas: Fermanagh District Council, Derry District Council and parts of Belfast City Council.

Further datasets and statistics are available on the Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Information Service (NINIS) website

Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name Mark McFetridge
Contact Email
Additional Information
Visibility False
Source last updated
Time period
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