OSNI Open Data - 50K Boundaries - NI Outline
Mid scale vector polygon dataset of NI Outline. Published here for OpenData. By download or use of this dataset you agree to abide by the LPS Open Government Data Licence.Please... -
Department of Health trust boundaries
There are a total of 5 Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCT) in Northern Ireland; Belfast, Northern, Southern, South Eastern and Western. Each HSCT is managed directly by a board... -
2014 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2009 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2020 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2016 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2008 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2019 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2005 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2007 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2003 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2004 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2017 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2006 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
2012 Ortho OSNI
The primary objective from this project was to acquire historical shoreline information for all of the Northern Ireland coastline. Having this detailed understanding of the... -
Government Land and Property Assets
This dataset is derived from the Government Land and Property Register (GLPR) and consists of Government-Owned and Occupied Land and Property Assets across Northern Ireland. The... -
Inland Fisheries - Public Angling Estate
This feature class contains the polygon layer comprising the water bodies of the Public Angling Estate in Northern Ireland, and details all of the information for each fishery... -
Mid Ulster Council Townlands
Townland boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, clipped from the OSNI Townlands 2012. -
Mid Ulster Council Wards
Standard Electoral Ward boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, taken from OSNI Wards 2012. -
Mid Ulster Council District Electoral Areas
District Electoral Areas for Mid Ulster District Council, including the councillors for each area. Mid Ulster District Electoral Areas boundary taken from OSNI DEA 2012. -
NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Physical Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal... -
NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Natural Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Natural Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal... -
NI Coastal Erosion High Level Risk Appraisal
This layer shows the potential for erosion of the Northern Ireland coastline at a high level. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal Erosion... -
NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Historic Assets
This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal...