
Break down of types of recycling waste statistics

From this link below you can see there is a lot of good data in the excel file. Its not machine readable but the data is broken down very well. From the data you can see they breakdown from kerbside, Civic amenities, and bring sites. The types: Glass,Metal,Paper and card,Plastic,Compostable,Electrical goods,Construction and demolition,Textiles,Wood ,Other That data over time is useful to graph on a map. Aswell it would be useful to produce the break down of recycling information to each civic amenity sites. Shows what sites are the best. This is additional and not available in the link above. This information is available on the tabs Table5, Table6, Table7 and Table8 in the link above. Table 2 shows the waste from Civic amenities buts it on a council level. A breakdown to Civic amenities is better.

Additional Info

Creator martin naugton
Organization None
Created 8 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Accepted Dataset Materials collected for preparation for reuse and recycling including composting at NI civic amenity sites - Time Series Data