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Calendar of events in NI

TourismNI/DiscoverNorthernIreland maintain a searchable list of events, including location, address, contact details and price at:

Can this information be provided in a machine-accessible manner? At the minute it's just text on a web page.

I'd be interested in finding results using the following parameters: Date Start / Date End / Location / Price

The sort of data I'd like to see returned (in a structured format rather than just a Big Block Of Text that a computer can't understand) would be: Title / Category / Description / Date Start / Date End / Start Time / End Time / Duration / Location / Organizer / Address / Parking Details / Public Transport Details / Contact Phone Number / Contact Email Address / Price

In future it would be great if this could act as an aggregator for other event sources in NI.

Additional Info

Creator Geoff Taylor
Organization None
Created 8 years ago
Closed Not closed yet