Population Estimates for Northern Ireland

Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. They are used to allocate public funds to the Northern Ireland Executive through the Barnett formula and are widely used by Northern Ireland government departments for the planning of services, such as health and education.

These statistics are also of interest to those involved in research and academia. They are widely used to express other statistics as a rate, and thus enable comparisons across the United Kingdom and other countries.

Furthermore, population estimates form the basis for future population statistics such as population projections.

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Creation Date de gener 17, 2018, 10:19 (UTC)
Topic Category Society

These statistics present mid-year population estimates for Northern Ireland and areas within Northern Ireland by gender and single year of age (0 to 90 and over).


Geo_Name: refers to a geographical area.

Geo_Code: refers to the geographical code associated with the area. (e.g. N92000002 refers to Northern Ireland).

Mid_Year_Ending: Population estimates refer to the number of people in the population at 30th June each year.

Gender: Population estimates are provided for Males, Females and All Persons.

Age: The age range for the population estimates is single years from 0 to 89. In addition there is an upper age band of “90 and over”. Note that “90 and over” is represented by the integer value of 90 in order to maintain a numeric data type for this variable.

Population_Estimate: refers to the estimated population size.

Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name NISRA – Census Office
Contact Email census@nisra.gov.uk
Informació addicional

Population estimates at the Northern Ireland level are created using the cohort-component method. This method updates the Census estimates by ‘ageing on’ populations and applying information on births, deaths and migration.

Population estimates for areas within Northern Ireland are created from an average of the cohort-component method and the ratio change method. The ratio change method calculates the population change by applying observed changes in secondary (typically administrative) data sources to Census estimates.

Further methodological information can be found in the methodology paper for mid-year population estimates for Northern Ireland: https://www.nisra.gov.uk/sites/nisra.gov.uk/files/publications/Methodology-2020.pdf

Estimates are produced using a variety of data sources and statistical models. Therefore small estimates should not be taken to refer to particular individuals. Further information is available in the Limitations section of the statistical bulletin https://www.nisra.gov.uk/sites/nisra.gov.uk/files/publications/MYE20-Bulletin.pdf

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