2020-based Interim Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
Population Estimates for Small Areas, Northern Ireland
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. These population estimates provide population... -
Population Estimates for District Electoral Areas (DEAs) in Northern Ireland
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. Population estimates for the 80 District... -
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. Estimates of the population aged 85 and over... -
Population Estimates for Super Output Areas (SOAs) and former Electoral...
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. They are used to allocate public funds to the... -
Northern Ireland Net Migration
As part of its annual publication of Population Estimates, NISRA produces official migration estimates for Northern Ireland which reflect the estimated flows of people to and... -
Population Estimates for Northern Ireland
Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. They are used to allocate public funds to the... -
Population Projections for areas within Northern Ireland: 2018-based
Following the publication of Northern Ireland level population projections, NISRA subsequently produces official sub-national population projections for areas within Northern... -
2016 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
2018 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
Higher Education Qualifications (administrative geographies)
The information refers to NI domiciled students gaining higher education qualifications from UK higher education institutions. The dataset is collected annually and is based on... -
Higher Education Enrolments (administrative geographies)
The information refers to NI domiciled students enrolled at higher education institutions in the UK. The dataset is collected annually and is based on enrolments in higher... -
Further Education Regulated Enrolments (administrative geographies)
Enrolments on Regulated courses at Northern Ireland Further Education (FE) Institutions. From 2013/14 the information is data derived from the Consolidated Data Return (CDR), a...
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