Further Education Regulated Enrolments (administrative geographies)

Enrolments on Regulated courses at Northern Ireland Further Education (FE) Institutions. From 2013/14 the information is data derived from the Consolidated Data Return (CDR), a computerised return consisting of an individual record for each enrolment on a course in Northern Ireland Further Education Institutions. Prior to 2013/14 the information is data derived from the Further Education Statistical Record, a computerised return consisting of an individual record for each enrolment on a course in Northern Ireland Further Education Institutions. The dataset is gathered annually at the 1st November and is a full year count of the previous academic year. The academic year covers the period 1 August 2014 - 31 July 2015. Colleges collect the information on Enrolment forms. This information is entered onto the Colleges Management Information System. The Department extracts and validates this information from the colleges. The data is then merged with the CPD and checked. It is then forwarded to NINIS.

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Camp Valor
Creation Date de febrer 23, 2016, 14:16 (UTC)
Topic Category Location

The dataset was created using the Central Postcode Directory. Approximately 3% of all enrolments are not unassigned to a geography due to invalid geo-referencing or non Northern Ireland domicile students.

Frequency of Update Irregular
Contact Name Allan Matthews
Contact Email allan.matthews@delni.gov.uk
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Visibilitat False
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