The fifth UK Open Data Camp is to be held in Belfast on the weekend of 21st and 22nd October 2017 at Queen’s University Belfast, in the Computer Science building. QUB...
Image courtesy of under a Creative Commons Licence (BY-NC-ND) The OpenDataNI Challenge for Education was launched in June 2016, challenging participants to use data...
Each year, Open Knowledge International, (a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting publication of government open data around the world), conducts an Open Data survey which...
When creating your Suggest a Dataset application it might be worth articulating to the data holder the lowest level of geography you are seeking when the data is being released as open...
OK, so you are already familiar with open data and the many potential benefits it can bring... but how can you extract the most value from OpenDataNI? OpenDataNI has a number of...
The OpenDataNI portal was officially launched on 26th November 2015, to mark this we had a birthday celebration last Friday (25th November 2016) in Belfast City Hall. We had a full...
Launched on 14th June 2016, the “OpenDataNI Challenge – Using Open Data for Education” (jointly funded by the Department of Finance and the Department for the...