Medium Low Migration Variant, Northern Ireland
Dataset beskrivning:
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on behalf of...
Källa: 2016 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
Inga vyer har skapats för resursen.
Mer information
Fält | Värde |
Metadata senast uppdaterad | 18 januari 2018 |
Skapad | 18 januari 2018 |
Format | CSV |
Licens | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | False |
Id | c2cd516e-1bf5-4684-a83b-65043f25721c |
Package id | e904a535-e34d-44d2-a3c8-327f81f94297 |
Position | 12 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |