2018.2019 year supplies and services contracts

URL: https://admin.opendatani.gov.uk/dataset/00ae9bce-37d3-41f2-abfb-ecc8a1ff1fe4/resource/ed6922d1-9bc4-4c9f-a13c-518adfa98be8/download/ssd-contracts-awarded-2018-19-year.csv

The data lists contracts awarded by CPD from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.

Contract information includes the reference number, title, the estimated contract value, date of the award, the name and address of the contractor, and if the contract was awarded directly without a public competition (in which case the basis for that decision is listed) .

For certain types of contract it is difficult to predict the estimated contract value, so this has been recorded as 1*.

Details of suppliers awarded contracts with the Department of Justice has been withheld, to protect the health and safety of these individuals.

The tool at https://www.freemaptools.com/convert-uk-postcode-to-lat-lng.htm has been used to establish the latitude and longitude fields for viewing the data as a location map.

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Fält Värde
Senast uppdaterad Juni 5, 2019
Skapad Juni 5, 2019
Format CSV
Licens UK Open Government Licence