Mid Ulster District Council ECharging Points
Locations of the electric car charging points within Mid Ulster District Council. Also contains information on charger types and location. Data collected from the Electrical... -
Petroleum Licence issued by Mid Ulster Council
Premises with a Petroleum Licence (from the Mid Ulster Council) within the Mid Ulster District Council boundary. Contact info@midulstercouncil.org or Tel 03000 132 132 -
Mid Ulster Council Licensed Petroleum Sites
Premises with a Petroleum Licence (from the Mid Ulster Council) within the Mid Ulster District Council boundary. -
Mid Ulster District Council ECharging Points
Locations of the electric car charging points within Mid Ulster District Council. Also contains information on charger types and location. Data collected from the Electrical... -
Mid Ulster District Council ECharging Points
Locations of the electric car charging points within Mid Ulster District Council. Also contains information on charger types and location. Data collected from the Electrical... -
Mid Ulster Council Off Street Car Parks
All the Car Park locations within mid Ulster Council including the opening hours and the number of charged and free parking spaces available. Data was created by Mid Ulster...
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