Cannot be released Number of people presenting at A&E Departs across NI with mental health condi...
I would like data on the number of people presenting themselves with a mental health condition/illness at A&E departments across Northern Ireland broken down by each...för 7 år sedan -
Cannot be released Flood Maps NI
Flood outlines included on Flood Maps NI: Indicative Fluvial Flood Extents (Present Day) Indicative Fluvial Flood Extents (Climate Change) Detailed Fluvial Flood Extents...för 7 år sedan -
Cannot be released DRD Adopted Roads
Mapping of all roads which are controlled/maintained by DFI/Transport NI. Current datasets contain information on Motorways, A/B/C class and local roads but do not show all...för 7 år sedan -
Cannot be released Volunteering in Northern Ireland - NI Omnibus Survey (October/November 2016)
Raw dataset relating to the Volunteering in Northern Ireland section of the NI Omnibus survey (2016). This information was used to inform the Department for Communities...för 7 år sedan -
Cannot be released Past versions of Northern Ireland Orthophotography
It would be very useful if past years of orthophotography could be released that are no longer being used by LPS. This imagery would be extremely useful for better visualizing...för 8 år sedan -
Cannot be released Health Survey NI
The Health Survey NI provides rich data on approx. 4,000 adults each year. Questions cover a range of health topics including health status and health related behaviors. Access...för 8 år sedan -
Cannot be released Postcodes Directory
The NI Central Postcode Directory provides a 'lookup' between active and terminated postcodes and statistical and administrative areas (i.e. for each postcode, which areas it...för 8 år sedan -
Cannot be released MOT data
Hi, Anonymised MOT data is available for the rest of the UK but not Northern Ireland. https://data.gov.uk/dataset/anonymised_mot_test It would be great to compare data in...för 8 år sedan -
Cannot be released Data behind Equality Commission employment experiences of pregnant workers/mo...
In November 2016 the Equality Commission for NI published report into their investigation of employment experiences of pregnant workers and mothers in Northern Ireland on their...för 8 år sedan -
Cannot be released Land Registry Boundary Data
Digital land registry boundary data with associated attributes.för 8 år sedan