Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland

Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. Estimates of the population aged 85 and over in Northern Ireland provide a further age breakdown of those aged 90 and over, by single year of age up to 104 years, and collectively for those aged 105 and over. These statistics contribute to the production of population projections and life expectancy statistics for Northern Ireland, all of which are of policy interest because of the implications for pensions and the delivery of front line services for the older population such as housing, transport and health care.

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Lauks Vērtība
Creation Date janvāris 19, 2018, 09:24 (UTC)
Topic Category Society

These statistics present mid-year population estimates for the 85 and over population in Northern Ireland by gender and single year of age up to 104, and collectively for those aged 105 and over.


Geo_Name: refers to a geographical area.

Geo_Code: refers to the code associated with the area. (e.g. N92000002 refers to Northern Ireland).

Mid_Year_Ending: Population estimates refer to the number of people in the population at 30th June each year.

Gender: Population estimates are provided for Males, Females and All Persons.

Age : The age range for the population estimates is single years from 85 to 104. In addition there is an upper age band of “105 and over”. Note that “105 and over” is represented by the integer value of 105 in order to maintain a numeric data type for this variable.

Population_Estimate: refers to the estimated population size.

Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name NISRA – Census Office
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Papildus informācija

Population estimates for those aged 85-89 in this dataset are consistent with the published mid-year population estimates. Previously published estimates for the highest age group (90 and over) are distributed into single years of age up to 105 and over by incorporating death registration data within the internationally recognised Kannisto-Thatcher Survivor Ratio Method. Further information on the Kannisto-Thatcher Survivor Ratio Method is available at:

It should be noted that the Kannisto-Thatcher Survivor Ratio Method gives rise to minor revisions to the age distribution within the aged 90 and over category as new information on actual deaths becomes available. Accordingly, estimates for the 90 and over category in all years are slightly revised annually as the estimates are updated. Further information is available on the Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over release page:

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