Scheduled for release

Youth Service Registration Data & Grant Aid NIYSA Data

The Education Authority completes annual registration of youth groups (referred to in the data as units). The data for youth service units registered with the Education Authority Youth Service is referred to as NIYSA data. This data will contain the name of youth organisations (units), addresses and contact and associated variables including organisation type and tenure, opening hours per week, opening hours per year. Enrolled membership by gender and age groups. Equality variables including Ethnic background, disability, perceived religious affiliation. Numbers and types of paid and voluntary staff working within units. Numbers of staff trained at various levels. I would request unit level data were possible be released, I would recognise that equality variables may need to be aggregated to larger levels that units. The data is also linked to grand aid payments made on an annual basis and this data concerning the amount of grant aid should be released also.

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Creator Alastair Scott-mckinley
Organizācija None
Izveidots pirms 8 gadiem
Closed Not closed yet