GSNI Tellus Rural Soil Survey

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) completed a regional geochemical survey of Northern Ireland's soils between 2004 and 2006. Sampling and quality control were undertaken according to the G-BASE protocol of BGS. 6,862 sites were sampled (at depths of 20 cms and 50 cms) an average of one site per 2 km2.

See for methodology and detection limits.

Data e Risorse

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Campo Valore
Creation Date Maggio 24, 2016, 15:41 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Farming
  • Climatology / Meteorology / Atmosphere
  • Environment
  • Geoscientific Information

The publication 'A Guide to the Tellus Data' can be downloaded from

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Contact Name Alex Donald
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