Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010

The 2010 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2010) comprises seven domains of deprivation, each developed to measure a distinct form or type of deprivation.

The NIMDM 2010 is a combination of all seven deprivation domains, weighted as follows: Income Deprivation (25%); Employment Deprivation (25%); Health Deprivation and Disability (15%); Education Skills and Training Deprivation (15%); Proximity to Services (10%); Living Environment (5%); and Crime and Disorder (5%).

Results are provided for these domains and the overall multiple deprivation measure in the form of ranks. Areas are ordered from most deprived (rank 1) to least deprived. The main output geography for the deprivation measures is the Super Output Area.

The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 report is available at

Please note that the csv deprivation files were created by the Open Data Team as a sample csv for NISRA.

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Creation Date gennaio 16, 2017, 11:23 (UTC)
Topic Category Society

The components of the SOA measures are as described in the domain sections of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 report. The flow chart in figure TA.5 summarises the process. The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 report is available at

The underlying indicators were created using the May 2009 Central Postcode Directory. In some cases the underlying indicator data were missing postcodes for a small proportion of records. When fewer than 98% of records had valid postcodes, unknown records were apportioned based on the spatial characteristics of known records. See Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 report, available at

Disclosure Control Methods: Mostly ranks are presented in this dataset. When scores are presented they are rounded to two decimal places and do not disclose personal information. Quality Issues: The quality of the data is very good. See 'NIMDM 2010 Description of Indicators' document at for information on the quality of particular indicators.

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Contact Name Jos IJpelaar
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