Cannot be released GPS Ambulance
Is it possible for GPS Data from ambulances to be made available in realtime via an API or webservice ?9 anni fa -
Released Invest NI 2011-2016 Performance Data
Data which supports Invest NI's recent publication on its performance against the targets set by the NI Executive. Recent info graphics on this have been published but not the...9 anni fa -
Released Polling Stations
It would be of great use to have the geo-coded locations of Polling Stations in Northern Ireland.9 anni fa -
Released LIbrary Usage Data
I'd be interested in anonymized book borrowing data to determine how often our libraries are used. The thinking behind this is this tweet...9 anni fa -
Cannot be released Property Valuation Lists
Land & Property Services (LPS) maintains valuation list for all domestic and non-domestic (business) properties in Northern Ireland which are subject to rates, in respect of...9 anni fa -
Data holder contacted Complaints to Public Services Ombudsman
The Office of the NI Public Services Ombudsman receives complaints from people who claim to have suffered injustice because of maladministration by public services, as well as...9 anni fa -
Not held by public sector Redundant railway lines of NI
Details of old and/or disused railway lines which crisscross the open countryside. Polygons or line layers would be useful.9 anni fa -
Not held by public sector eCar charge points
Location coordinates of eCar charging stations, including: type ('fast' or 'rapid') wattage whether they are publicly accessible who the landowner is Separately, data on charge...9 anni fa -
Released Northern Ireland GP \ Practice lists
This information is already being compiled and published here http://www.hscbusiness.hscni.net/services/1816.htm but only available in proprietary formats.9 anni fa -
Released Theatre Utilization within the NHS
A breakdown of how many theatres there are in Northern Ireland's hospitals. How many operations are performed per theatre per year/month/quarter or day.9 anni fa