
DOE Data Sets

There are a number of datasets on the DoE website relating to Natural Heritage, Water and Historic Environment.

These are mainly geospatial, for instance, boundaries of protected areas (Areas of Special Scientific Interest, outstanding natural beauty), wetlands, nature reserves, listed buildings, sites and monuments, lakes, rivers and coastal waters. These also contain very important data with non-spatial aspects, for instance, there are habitat types, flora and fauna present in each area.

The current terms and conditions for this publicly funded data are restrictive: "personal and internal use within an organisation"; "Maps containing all or any part of these digital datasets may not be published in hard copy or the internet without prior written permission". This is a barrier that limits the understanding and discussion of important local environmental issues.

Informazioni addizionali

Creator John Martin
Organizzazione None
Creato 9 anni fa
Closed 8 anni fa
Accepted Dataset Special Areas of Conservation