OSNI Open Data - 1:10,000 Raster - Mid Scale Raster

A series of maps at 1:10 000 scale showing base mapping for Northern Ireland. These raster maps can be used with other maps or information to enhance the mapping. Midscale Raster for Northern Ireland can be used as a general background to give context at local and regional level and as a base to overlay data. Includes water bodies, rivers, main roads, town names and townlands.Please Note for Open Data NI Users: Esri Rest API is not Broken, it will not open on its own in a Web Browser but can be copied and used in Desktop and Webmaps

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Champ Valeur
Creation Date septembre 20, 2024, 11:56 (TU)
Topic Category Location


Frequency of Update Not Planned
Contact Name Product Management
Contact Email mapping.helpdesk@finance-ni.gov.uk
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