Highway Network
Données et ressources
Highway Network CSV
CSV Data Table
Highway Network XML
XML Data Table
Highway NetworkEsri Map
Read-only Map
Informations supplémentaires
Champ | Valeur |
Creation Date | mars 3, 2016, 10:05 (TU) |
Topic Category |
Lineage | The Highway Network was developed by DfI Roads in conjunction with Land and Property Services (LPS) and a number of third party organisation from 2011. The tables indicate roads adopted and maintained by DfI Roads. These are referenced to the road centre-line network that is derived from LPS mapping data who own the licensing agreement. Please note: the digitised records may not include all of the highway network as there is a back log of survey work to be undertaken. |
Frequency of Update | Irregular |
Contact Name | Paddy Lavery |
Contact Email | paddy.lavery@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk |
Informations additionnelles | The 'Section Code' field within the dataset is the unique identifier. A map displaying the adopted roads can be accessed via: https://dfi-ni.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f8a42fc35a3d48788e651a1d47865ce1 |
Visibilité | False |
Source last updated | |
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Dashboard Link |