DAERA Chlorophyll a Survey Data

The chlorophyll a survey is an annual assessment of the Chlorophyll a concentration in micrograms per litre found in surface waters in coastal and transitional (estuarine) waters around Northern Ireland. Spot samples are taken at established sample sites and returned to the laboratory for analysis. The dataset contributes to Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification, as well as providing a eutrophication indicator under Nitrates Directive (ND), and Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). Selected samples are submitted to the MERMAN database for inclusion in the CSEG (Clean Seas Evidence Group) work programme. The data held in MERMAN fulfils the UK's mandatory monitoring requirements under the Oslo and Paris Convention (OSPAR), Joint Assessments and Monitoring Programme (JAMP). Within DAERA, this survey forms part of the Marine Phytoplankton and Chlorophyll work programme (MM(YY)-14).

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Champ Valeur
Creation Date février 18, 2020, 14:45 (TU)
Topic Category
  • Environment
  • Oceans

Samples are collected from a boat by surface water collection in sterilised glass nalgene bottles. Samples are filtered within 24 hours under vacuum filtration, using Whatman GF/C47mm glass microfibre filter papers. Filter papers are left overnight at 4 degrees celcius in the dark with cold acetone to extract. Analysis is performed in house on a Turner Designs 'Trilogy' fluorometer. Samples are analysed in duplicate and the average is reported. Solid standard QCs are used at the start and end of runs and reported on Shewart charts. Calibration is carried out at 4 points using RS AQUA liquid standards. Participation in QUASIMEME is mandatory for all staff who take part in the analysis. In house training is provided by competent staff members. Analysis is of Chlorophyll a only.

Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name Data Manager, Monitoring and Assessment
Contact Email marine.inforequests@daera-ni.gov.uk
Informations additionnelles

MEDIN Discovery Metadata available at: https://portal.medin.org.uk/portal/start.php#details?tpc=010_2fd970bce0d98968d0c9017bf049571e

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