Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Creation Date elokuu 31, 2024, 07:51 (UTC)
Topic Category Government statistics


Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name notprovided
Contact Email analyticsdivision@communities-ni.gov.uk
Näkyvyys False
Source last updated 2023-09-01T11:56:32
Time period 2014/15 - 2022/23
Title+Tags Employment vacancies notified to DfC by Health and Social Care Trust
Meta Tags {"exceptional": false, "official": true, "analytical": false, "reservation": false, "archive": false, "experimental": false}