Programme for investment in public infrastructure

Information contained is provided by Northern Ireland Government Departments and their Arms Length Bodies. Information relates to construction contracts with a value greater than £500k

Datos y Recursos

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Campo Valor
Creation Date 11 Febrero, 2019, 14:21 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Health
  • Planning / Cadastre
  • Society
  • Transportation
  • Utilities / Communication

Information is provided by Government Departments and their Arms Length Bodies. This information is updated monthly for live contracts and ones that are at the pre-procurement stage. Information is published through the website.

Frequency of Update Monthly
Contact Name Esther Barnes
Contact Email
Información adicional

Information provided is available on the website. Where a date for example the Construction Start date is in the past the real date will show. Future dates will be shown as Q/E. Contract values are in appropriate bandings.

Visibilidad False
Source last updated
Time period
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