NIHPI Verified Sales
Datos y Recursos
Verified Sales by Property TypeCSV
Verified residential property sales recorded by HM Revenue & Customs...
Verified sales by LGDCSV
Verified residential property sales recorded by HM Revenue & Customs...
Verified sales by NUTS3CSV
The dataset includes all residential property sales recorded by HM Revenue...
Verified sales by urban rural classificationCSV
The dataset includes all residential property sales recorded by HM Revenue...
Información Adicional
Campo | Valor |
Creation Date | noviembre 18, 2015, 14:04 (UTC) |
Topic Category | Economy |
Lineage | The dataset includes all residential property sales recorded by HM Revenue & Customs which could be matched to a domestic property in the NI Valuation List used to calculate the NI House Price Index. The figures are presented quarterly. Quarter 1 refers to January-March, quarter 2 refers to April-June, quarter 3 refers to July-September and quarter 4 refers to October-December each year. |
Frequency of Update | Quarterly |
Contact Name | Ciara Cunningham |
Contact Email | |
Información adicional | |
Visibilidad | False |
Source last updated | |
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Dashboard Link |