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Dataset of all Voluntary/Community services across Northern Ireland

This dataset should detail all voluntary and community services in Northern Ireland known to or used as referral services by statutory agencies including their location and/or coverage (mapped), contact details (method of referral), description of services (classification), ages of service users

These should cover such services as, but not be limited to:

  1. Substance Misuse Treatment and Support Services
  2. Substance Misuse Education / Prevention / Training Services
  3. Employment, Education and Training Services
  4. Justice/Offenders and Ex-offenders Services
  5. Other Services (Abuse, Advice and Support, Emotional Health, General Support, Homelessness, Mental Health, Parenting/Family, Sexual Health, Suicide Prevention).

Información Adicional

Autor Thomas Bennett
Organización Ninguno
Creado hace 9 años
Cerrada No cerrada aún