Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005
Data and Resources
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 - OA, SOA and Ward levels.
NIMDM 2005 Ward levelCSV
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 - Ward level.
NIMDM 2005 Output Area levelCSV
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 Output Area level.
NIMDM 2005 Super Output levelCSV
Northern Ireland Multiple Depravation Measure 2005 Super Output level
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Field | Value |
Creation Date | January 16, 2017, 15:58 (UTC) |
Topic Category | Society |
Lineage | The components of the SOA measures are as described in the domain sections of the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 report. The flow chart in Appendix 7 summarises the process. The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 report is available at . This data include ranks and scores at Super Output Area level for the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005, the seven constituent domains and the two stand-alone measures: Income Deprivation Affecting Children and Income Deprivation Affecting Older People. The seven Domain Measures (and weights) are: Income (25%), Employment (25%), Health Deprivation and Disability (15%), Education, Skills and Training (15%), Proximity to Services (10%), Living Environment (5%) and Crime and Disorder (5%). For each variable a rank of 1 denotes the most deprived SOA in Northern Ireland and a rank of 890 denotes the least deprived SOA in Northern Ireland. Also included at Electoral Ward level results. The ward measures were created by taking a weighted average of the SOA results. Weights were determined by total population size of SOAs within each ward. There are three domains which lend themselves to presentation at the very small area level. These are Income Deprivation, Employment Deprivation and Proximity to Services Deprivation. A measure of Economic Deprivation has been created by combining these three domains. The Economic Deprivation measure does not form part of the overall NIMDM 2005 but is a stand-alone measure. The Population Estimate variable was calculated as part of the NIMDM 2005 project and relates to mid-2003. This estimate includes armed forces personnel and excludes prisoners. Populations rounded to nearest 5. It was replaced by an updated small area population estimate on 31 March 2010. Variable: Multiple Deprivation Measure Rank, Income Domain Score, Income Domain Rank, Employment Domain Score, Employment Domain Rank, Health Deprivation and Disability Domain Rank, Education, Skills and Training Domain Rank, Proximity to Services Domain Rank, Living Environment Domain Rank, Crime and Disorder Domain Rank, Income Deprivation Affecting Children Score, Income Deprivation Affecting Children Rank, Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Score, Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Rank, Education, Skills and Training Domain - Child Sub-Domain Rank, Education, Skills and Training Domain - Adult Sub-Domain Rank, Living Environment Domain - Housing Quality Sub-Domain Rank, Living Environment Domain - Housing Access Sub-Domain Rank, Living Environment Domain - Outdoor Physical Environment Sub-Domain Rank, Crime and Disorder Domain - Crime Sub-Domain Rank, Crime and Disorder Domain - Disorder Sub-Domain Rank, Economic Deprivation Measure, Road distance to a GP premises (km), Road distance to an A and E hospital (km), Road distance to a dentist (km), Road distance to an optician (km), Road distance to a pharmacist (km), Road distance to a Jobs and Benefit Office (km), Road distance to a Post Office (km), Road distance to a food shop with 50 employees or more (km), Road distance to centre of a settlement of 10000 or more people (km), Population Estimate (NIMDM 2005). Disclosure Control Methods: Mostly ranks are presented in this dataset. When scores are presented they are rounded to two decimal places and do not disclose personal information. Quality Issues: The quality of the data is very good. See NIMDM 2005 Report Chapter 2 for more information about indicators - |
Frequency of Update | Not Planned |
Contact Name | Jos IJpelaar |
Contact Email | |
Additional Information | The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 report is available at |
Visibility | False |
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