Pedestrian Crossings
Daten und Ressourcen
Pedestrian CrossingXML
Pedestrian Crossing
Pedestrian CrossingCSV
Pedestrian Crossing
Pedestrian CrossingGeoJSON
Pedestrian Crossing
Feld | Wert |
Creation Date | Februar 26, 2016, 11:08 (UTC) |
Topic Category |
Lineage | Records of road assets were developed following site surveys that recorded the road section reference, chainage and off-set dimensions and this information is held on the Road Maintenance Client System (RMCS). A new RMCS was introduced in January 2014 and this enabled the transferal of historical asset information (in table format) to spatial datasets displayed on digitised maps. The new RMCS also allowed asset surveys and asset updates to be recorded directly to the digitised map. Please note the digitized records may not include all pedestrian crossing locations as there is a back log of survey work to be undertaken. There are over 2 million records of road assets held and it is not possible to record every change/update, given the number of new road improvement schemes, new road adoptions and the resources available to record this information. Consequently there is a back-log of outstanding asset survey work and the asset data is therefore not fully up to date. |
Frequency of Update | Irregular |
Contact Name | Paddy Lavery |
Contact Email | |
Zusätzliche Informationen | Please note: two types of pedestrian crossings are recorded, namely: 1) Controlled pedestrian crossing - controlled by traffic signal equipment, e.g. pelican, puffin, toucan crossings as well as integrated within traffic junction signals. 2) Uncontrolled pedestrian crossing - demarked with road markings and illumination, e.g. zebra crossings |
Sichtbarkeit | False |
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