OSNI Open Data - 1:1Million Raster - Parliamentary Boundaries (2008)

1:1,000,000 raster map showing the parliamentary boundaries of Northern Ireland. A raster map is a static image displayed on screen which is suitable as background mapping. 1:1 000,000 Raster is smallest scale OSNI raster product giving an excellent overview of Northern Ireland. Published here for OpenData. By download or use of this dataset you agree to abide by the Open Government Data Licence.1:1,000,000 raster map showing the 2008 Parliamentary Constituency boundaries of Northern Ireland. This raster is the smallest scale OSNI raster product giving an overview of Northern Ireland.Please Note for Open Data NI Users: Esri Rest API is not Broken, it will not open on its own in a Web Browser but can be copied and used in Desktop and Webmaps

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Creation Date September 20, 2024, 11:38 (UTC)
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