Northern Ireland New Dwelling Starts
Daten und Ressourcen
New Dwelling Starts by development typeCSV
New Dwelling starts by private/speculative and social housing development and...
New dwelling starts by property typeCSV
New Dwelling starts by property type and quarter.
New dwelling starts by LGDCSV
New Dwelling starts by LGD and quarter.
New dwelling starts by LGD Q1 2005 - Q1 2015CSV
New dwelling starts by local government district from Q1 2005 - Q1 2015
Private and speculative new dwelling starts by...CSV
Private and speculative new dwelling starts by LGD and quarter.
Private and speculative new dwelling starts by...CSV
New dwelling starts by local government district Q1 2005 - Q1 2015
Social housing new dwelling starts by LGD Q2...CSV
Social housing new dwelling starts by LGD and quarter.
Social housing new dwelling starts by LGD Q1...CSV
Social housing new dwelling starts for Q1 2005 - Q1 2015
Feld | Wert |
Creation Date | November 27, 2015, 11:06 (UTC) |
Topic Category | Economy |
Lineage | The data is sourced from each NI Council Building Control office. The date of a new dwelling start is the date on which the first building control inspection takes place. The data is presented by quarter where quarter 1 refers to January-March, quarter 2 refers to April-June, quarter 3 refers to July-September and quarter 4 refers to October-December within each year. |
Frequency of Update | Quarterly |
Contact Name | Alison Brown |
Contact Email | |
Zusätzliche Informationen | |
Sichtbarkeit | False |
Source last updated | |
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