Priority Habitats - Peatland
About this layerThe Northern Ireland Peatland map layer displays information from the NI Peatalnd Survey (1988) which mapped peatland vegetation at 1:20,000 scale for the whole... -
Priority Habitats - Fens
About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern Ireland.The Fen, swamp and flush Inventory... -
Priority Habitats - Woodland
About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern IrelandThis Woodland Inventory incorporates... -
Priority Habitats - Grassland
About this layerThe Grassland Inventory incorporates evidence collected from a series of research contracts let to identify and survey areas of grassland of high nature... -
Priority Habitats - Heathland
About this layerThis data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern IrelandThe heathland database was mapped using... -
Bog Habitat Network
In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building... -
Coastal Vegetated Shingle Habitat Network
In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building... -
Coastal Saltmarsh Habitat Network
In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building... -
Acid Grassland Habitat Network
In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building... -
Ancient Semi Natural Woodland habitat network
In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building...