York Street Interchange LIDAR

The LIDAR data encompassed the area around York Street where the junction of the M2, M3 and Westlink converge. The LIDAR survey was carried out to enable measurement of elevation on the York Street Interchange scheme. The raw LIDAR data is a series of points stored as x, y, z where x and y are longitude and latitude; z is the elevation in meters or feet. The survey was carried out between July and September 2012 by Fugro-BKS Limited on behalf of DfI Roads to aid the design of the Interchange scheme at York Street.

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Camp Valor
Creation Date d’agost 9, 2016, 14:30 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Boundaries
  • Transportation

BKS Topographical LIDAR aerial survey carried out at end of 2012 and data received from Survey company on 28/02/13.

Frequency of Update Not Planned
Contact Name DfI, Eastern Division, Strategic Road Improvements
Contact Email Roads.SRITEastern@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk
Informació addicional

See B8484 York Street Interchange Survey Report for more information.

Visibilitat False
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