Police Recorded Injury Road Traffic Collision Statistics Northern Ireland 2013

The PSNI produces statistics on injury road traffic collisions (RTCs) that are reported to the Police. These statistics are collected in accordance with the STATS20 guidance from the Department for Transport (DfT) and are comparable with the statistics in Great Britain (GB). Damage only collisions or those collisions resulting in no injuries are excluded from these statistics.

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Creation Date d’agost 5, 2016, 10:05 (UTC)
Topic Category Transportation

The statistics contained in these publications reflect the number of injury collisions and associated casualties that were reported to and recorded by the police. It is known that some collisions or casualties are not reported to the PSNI for a variety of reasons and this should be borne in mind when using police recorded road traffic collision statistics. Please refer to the Police Recorded Injury Road Traffic Collision Statistics User Guide on the PSNI Website: https://www.psni.police.uk/globalassets/inside-the-psni/our-statistics/road-traffic-collision-statistics/documents/traffic-statistics-user-guide---2016-review---final.pdf .

Further information can be found at https://discover.ukdataservice.ac.uk/catalogue?sn=8021

Frequency of Update Annually
Contact Name Traffic Statistician
Contact Email statistics@psni.police.uk
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