OpenDataNI Website Statistics Data
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OpenDataNI Daily Dataset Download NumbersCSV
OpenDataNI Daily Dataset Download Numbers, from portal launch on 26th...
OpenDataNI Monthly Dataset DownloadsCSV
OpenDataNI Monthly Dataset Downloads, showing total downloads in each month...
OpenDataNI Quarterly Dataset Download Totals...CSV
OpenDataNI Quarterly Dataset Download Totals by Publisher, from portal launch...
Informació addicional
Camp | Valor |
Creation Date | d’octubre 17, 2018, 15:22 (UTC) |
Topic Category |
Lineage | Data has been collated using Google Analytics and covers the period from 26th November 2015 onward. A very small number of rows have been removed from Page Downloads data due to illegibility as a result of output from GA in a non-Latin character set, and for only that reason may totals derived from that dataset not precisely tally with figures contained within the Daily Downloads numbers data for some months. A Download is defined as a download of a datafile directly from OpenDataNI and therefore will not include instances of data download where a publisher hosts their data on their own website or elsewhere and has provided a url to the data rather than uploaded it onto OpenDataNI. |
Frequency of Update | Monthly |
Contact Name | OpenDataNI Team |
Contact Email | |
Informació addicional | Further information on OpenDataNI can be found here: |
Visibilitat | False |
Source last updated | |
Time period | |
Title+Tags | |
Meta Tags | |
Dashboard Link |