Invest NI Total Tables 1 April 2019 and 31 ...


The information in this file relates to offers of financial assistance approved by Invest NI between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2024 and is intended to supplement the dataset held on the Open Data portal. Some information has been redacted from the dataset held on the portal in line with data protection regulations. This includes:

Personal information, such as individual’s names and addresses; Projects that Invest NI plans to announce publicly on a future date, as early disclosure may result in detriment to the customer or Invest NI; and Commercially sensitive information, including the number of jobs created by individual projects while a project is still live as this would give a competitor insight into a business’ performance.

Therefore, the tables contained in this workbook aggregate both the published and redacted data to provide the reader with a full picture of Invest NI support. The data has also been broken down into several different variables to provide information on:

Ownership / Country - where Invest NI customers offered support originate from; Inward Investment - investment secured from outside NI by type of support (new to NI or existing investor); Geography - where customers are located in Northern Ireland (council and constituency); Sector - which industrial sector customers operate in (based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code); and Type of Support - what type of business development activity is being supported.


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Camp Valor
Última actualització 30 Agost 2024
Creat 14 Agost 2019
Format ODS
Llicència UK Open Government Licence