IRC241560 Deputy Principal (DP) external recruitment campaign data

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS 2019 Deputy Principal (DP) external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, ethnic background, disability etc. It also includes a breakdown of internal NICS and external candidates up to completed stages to date; number of applications, numbers of those who sat online tests, numbers who passed sift and numbers who passed Assessment Centre. It also includes those who were offered an appointment.

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Camp Valor
Creation Date de juny 27, 2019, 09:13 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Economy
  • Society
  • Structure

The following should be noted in respect of the data:

  • Percentages exclude missing values.
  • Where missing values are 1 or 2, they are subsumed into the largest or other appropriate category.
  • Suppression is applied to prevent identification of personal information of individual applicants. Cells with counts below 5 are denoted by '*'.
  • Other cells which could lead to identification of small counts are also suppressed and are denoted by '#'.
Frequency of Update Not Planned
Contact Name Corporate Competitions & Policy Branch
Contact Email
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Visibilitat False
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