Boys first names
This list contains every first forename given to baby boys registered in Northern Ireland from 1997-2016. A count of the number of babies given that name in any particular year is provided. For disclosure reasons, counts of less than 3 have been recorded as '..' A dash '-' denotes that the name was not used in that particular year.
No s'han creat vistes per a aquest recurs
Informació addicional
Camp | Valor |
Última actualització de les metadades | 28 de juny de 2017 |
Creat | 28 de juny de 2017 |
Format | CSV |
Llicència | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | False |
Id | 38838243-d047-4af7-87a0-bd1109e10b45 |
Package id | 9ebaf276-f4d5-41e9-bf22-b7ccab8cf85e |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |