OSNI Open Data: River Basin LIDAR 2007 - DTMs and DSMs
Terrain (DTM) & Surface (DSM) elevation models of river basins derived from airborne LIDAR survey systems. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a digital file consisting of a... -
OSNI Open Data: River Basin LIDAR 2004 - DTMs and DSMs
Terrain (DTM) & Surface (DSM) elevation models of river basins derived from airborne LIDAR survey systems. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a digital file consisting of a... -
Higher Education Qualifications (administrative geographies)
The information refers to NI domiciled students gaining higher education qualifications from UK higher education institutions. The dataset is collected annually and is based on... -
Higher Education Enrolments (administrative geographies)
The information refers to NI domiciled students enrolled at higher education institutions in the UK. The dataset is collected annually and is based on enrolments in higher... -
Further Education Regulated Enrolments (administrative geographies)
Enrolments on Regulated courses at Northern Ireland Further Education (FE) Institutions. From 2013/14 the information is data derived from the Consolidated Data Return (CDR), a... -
Further Education Achievements (administrative geographies)
The information details full and partial achievement data. From 2013/14 this is derived from the Consolidated Data Return (CDR), a computerised return consisting of an... -
PSNI Street Crime Data
This API is available at https://data.police.uk It contains crimes at street-level; either within a 1 mile radius of a single point, or within a custom area. The street-level... -
Further Education Activity
The data presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments in the NI FE Sector covering academic years. The data cover the characteristics of those enrolling in FE colleges and...
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