Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council, including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District... -
Ards and North Down Borough Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Ards and North Down Borough Council, including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Emergency Care Waiting Times
Details information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. Emergency care waiting times by type of department is also presented to allow... -
Mid Ulster District Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Mid Ulster District Council including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Fermanagh and Omagh District Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Fermanagh and Omagh District Council including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Derry City and Strabane District Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Derry and Strabane District Council, including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Newry, Mourne and Down District Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Mid and East Antrim Borough Councillors
A list of the current Councillors on Mid and East Antrim Borough Council including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
A list of the current Councillors on Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council, including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area. -
2016 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
2018 based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
National population projections by age and gender are produced every two years for the UK and each of the UK constituent countries by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on... -
School Census - Special Schools
Schools Census information regarding pupils at special schools in Northern Ireland -
Northern Ireland Local Councils Election 22 May 2014
Data relating to the Northern Ireland Local Councils Election held 22nd May 2014. The 11 Councils are: Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council; Ards & North Down Borough... -
NI Assembly Election 5 May 2016
Data relating to the NI Assembly election held 5th May 2016. -
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures 2017
The 2017 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures (NIMDM 2017) were published on 23rd November 2017. It provides information for 7 distinct types of deprivation, known as... -
Datasets from Financial Abuse of Older People in Northern Ireland: The...
Data generated from interviews about Financial Abuse, with 1,025 older people aged 60 or over, in the respondents home between 27th January and 2nd March 2016. The survey asked... -
Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland - Final Recommendations
Datasets of the Boundary Commission's Final Recommendations for 17 Parliamentary constituencies in Northern Ireland under the 2018 Review. Further detail on the Final... -
NISRA Open Data Boundaries - Census Output Areas 2001
The NISRA boundaries is a polygon dataset consisting of Output Areas set for the 2001 Census.The data has been extracted from NISRA database. This service is published for... -
Total discharges by age and sex from acute hospitals in Northern Ireland by...
Total discharges from health and social care hospitals in Northern Ireland by age and sex and diagnostic group in the acute programme of care, 2015. -
Suicides by Occupation
The number of deaths recorded as 'suicide' or 'event of undetermined intent' in Northern Ireland, by broad occupation group. In the UK it is standard procedure to include both... -
NI Assembly Constituencies
List of Northern Ireland Assembly Constituencies -
NI Assembly Questions
Last 1000 Assembly Questions asked by Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly -
NI Assembly Register of Members Interests
Register of financial interests or other material benefits received by Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly -
NI Assembly Members
List of current membership of the Northern Ireland Assembly
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