PSNI Street Crime Data
البيانات و الموارد
PSNI Street Level Crimes Response DescriptionTXT
This document provides information on the fields within the Street Level...
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حقل | القيمة |
Creation Date | نوفمبر 23, 2015, 10:46 (UTC) |
Topic Category | Society |
Lineage | DATA PROVENANCE The data on this site is published by the Home Office, and is provided to us by the 43 geographic police forces in England and Wales, the British Transport Police, the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Ministry of Justice. DATA FLOW Every month each police force generates a Crime and ASB file and a Police Outcomes file in a set format (PSNI do not currently supply outcomes data). The forces upload these to a private server managed by the Home Office in the Government network, where the files undergo quality assurance. Copies of the data from police forces in England & Wales is then sent to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), where they try to match the crimes with any court results contained in their own records. The MoJ send any matching court results back to the Home Office, where they are integrated with the existing data. All data is then anonymised before being published to this site. The crime & ASB data supplied to are considered to be management information and will differ from the official statistics published by PSNI as they have been extracted from the police administrative system on different dates. |
Frequency of Update | Monthly |
Contact Name | PSNI Open Data |
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إمكانية المشاهدة | False |
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