Northern Ireland Railways NIR Railway Network
البيانات و الموارد
Northern Ireland Railways NIR Railway NetworkSHP
Northern Ireland Railways NIR Railway NetworkGeoJSON
The Translink Rail Network. Must be viewed in Irish Grid projection.
معلومات إضافية
حقل | القيمة |
Creation Date | سبتمبر 14, 2015, 14:00 (UTC) |
Topic Category | Transportation |
Lineage | The data has been captured via field survey by Contracted Consultants. Updating procedures are carried out through the Rail Infrastructure Department, it is in keeping with any Rail/Line changes in Northern Ireland. |
Frequency of Update | Irregular |
Contact Name | Translink |
Contact Email | |
معلومات إضافية | |
إمكانية المشاهدة | False |
Source last updated | |
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Dashboard Link |