NI Direct website data

Data relating to public internet visits to the NI Direct website (, the official government website for Northern Ireland citizens.

Last updated: 6 April 2022.

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
Creation Date ديسمبر 22, 2016, 14:13 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Location
  • Society
  • Utilities / Communication

Collated via Google Analytics, data relates to the following categories of data:

• Pageviews – Data collated daily, with Page Titles ranked by number of visits - note that: a small number of NI Direct Page Titles are in a non-Latin script and so may not be rendered correctly when viewed in the datafile.

• Search Terms – Data collated by calendar month, based on a sample of data as determined by Google Analytics, with unique Search terms ranked by number of instances, with only terms with 5 or more instances in a given calendar month being listed - note that: Search Terms are case-sensitive, so for example "ESA" and "Esa" would be listed as separate search terms.

• Locations – Data collated daily, ranked by number of visits - note that: Locations are identified based on the IP address of the site-visitor, and therefore may not relate to the actual physical location of the site-user.

• Sources – Data collated daily, ranked by number of visits originating from specific internet domains (or directly, where the user's access has not originated from a clicked link/referral).

• Domains – Data collated daily, ranked by number of visits from specified ISP domains.

• Browsers – Data collated daily, ranked by number of visits from users of specified Browser/Browser Version combinations.

• Device Categories – Data collated daily, ranked by number of visits from users of mobile (smartphone) devices, of tablets and of desktop units.

Each of the datasets collated daily are published grouped by calendar month.

Dates within the datafiles are in the format YYYYMMDD, (e.g. the date 1st July 2016 appears as '20160701').

Frequency of Update Quarterly
Contact Name NI Direct
Contact Email
معلومات إضافية

For further detail on the information available on the NI Direct website, see .

إمكانية المشاهدة False
Source last updated
Time period
Meta Tags
Dashboard Link