Street Lighting Assets
البيانات و الموارد
All Street Lighting Columns (NI)XML
This layer shows all street lighting column locations throughout Northern...
All Street Lighting Columns (NI)CSV
This layer shows all street lighting column locations throughout Northern...
معلومات إضافية
حقل | القيمة |
Creation Date | فبراير 26, 2016, 14:36 (UTC) |
Topic Category |
Lineage | A survey of street lighting equipment was commissioned by DfI Roads and completed by a third party in 2008/09. From this time, street lighting asset updates/changes following new adoptions, new schemes etc have been recorded and digitised in-house. Please note: while most street lighting assets should be digitised there is a degree of inaccuracy regarding the location of some street lighting assets when shown on the map. |
Frequency of Update | Irregular |
Contact Name | Joe Cochrane |
Contact Email | |
معلومات إضافية | |
إمكانية المشاهدة | False |
Source last updated | |
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Dashboard Link |