Northern Ireland River Segments

Rivers defined under Article 2(4) of the Water Framework Directive.

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
Creation Date يوليو 21, 2016, 13:54 (UTC)
Topic Category
  • Economy
  • Elevation
  • Environment
  • Inland / Waters

River features that had been created to comply with Article 2(4) of the Water Framework Directive for the 1st cycle river basin plans (2009 - 2015) were the basis of this dataset. The data was topologically corrected to ensure that the rivers were within the catchments defined as river water bodies (polygon dataset) for the Water Framework Directive. The original dataset was corrected externally as part of a low flow model project and the corrected features were assigned a Strahler stream order.

Frequency of Update Irregular
Contact Name Wendy McKinley
Contact Email
معلومات إضافية

Link to Interactive River Basin Map Viewer.

إمكانية المشاهدة False
Source last updated
Time period
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